Oops! Almost forgot it was my day to blog. I even had it all planned out earlier in the week. Oh well. Here I am.

Last week I went to Kansas to my writer friend and critique partner Kim Sawyer‘s house. Two other writing friends and crit partners, Eileen Key and Connie Stevens, joined us there. And what a week we had! Get four writers together, and well . . . you can imagine. *smile*

Kim writes historical fiction (published by Bethany House) and contemporary German Mennonite (Barbour) and a new YA series with Zondervan (early next year). So many of the places we visited had to do with Kansas history and the Mennonite community there. Interesting to see the places that have given Kim her inspiration. Since Connie and I also write historicals, it was fun to do research as a group. But we waited until Eileen could join us before we visited those places.

While we packed Kim’s house and office for her upcoming move, we brainstormed stories and characters, worked on synopses, and talked writing and cats and life experiences. We talked and talked, laughed, cried, and what a wonderful time of refreshment it was.

This week, back at home, I’ve been amazed how much I’ve missed these ladies. Wish we lived closer together. But we’re planning to make this a yearly event.

Writing tends to be a solitary life, but since I’ve joined ACFW five years ago, my world has expanded. My writing has grown immensely, making me a better editor/proofreader in the process. But I think the most valuable thing I’ve gained is friends. Not only do we have the common bond of writing, but we also share a common bond through Jesus Christ.

So get involved with writers groups when you can. Develop the friendships that might start through the email loops. It’s the best encouragement I know of.

To see some pictures of our time at Kim’s house, check out her blog post this past Wednesday at Writes of Passage.